Poland - Warsaw
Warsaw Municipals

This section on Warsaw Municipal revenue stamps is provided as a taster of our "Poland Revenues" catalogue, just published (see the page "Philatelic LIterature / Poland". The catalogue includes the revenue stamps of Poland, and the many Municipals, along with related occupation periods such as Upper Silesia, Danzig, WWII Generalgouvernement.
This internet listing, although virtually complete, is still a "work in progress" listing for Warsaw Municipal revenue stamps, since new municipal revenues of Poland are still surfacing. It is a private working document for use between J.Barefoot and other collectors.
To view IN FULL this internet listing (which can then be printed out for personal use only) please CLICK HERE
If you have new finds to add to the listing, or can supply better colour scans to replace any old black/white ones (ideally, 300 dpi, same size, with stamp on a black background to show the perforations, like the ones in the listing), please get in touch with us by email at JBarefootL@AOL.com