In the old days, some collectors kept dealers at arm's length.
Well, times have changed. "No Man is an Island" (wrote John Donne).
Your best friend is a dealer. You are reading his web page. Consider this as an opening door. Step inside.....
This way you have immediate access to :
- 50 years full-time experience of Commonwealth, Europe, Foreign
(researching 7 days a week and bank holidays too!),
- 20 shelves of philatelic reference literature in many languages,
- 50+ own publications, plus many others, available to purchase,
- Three web sites with useful information content as well as offers,
- Worldwide buying contacts, particularly strong in Europe,
- A simple and straight way of doing business.
At different stages of life, I've explored the philately of France, Indian States, Germany, Baltic States, Poland, Russia, Austria, Cyprus, Malta, Levant, China, South postal history, locals, revenues. And attended stamp shows not only in the UK, but in Europe from Scandinavia to Spain, from Latvia to Hungary, USA, Canada, Brazil, South Africa, Hong Kong, Australia.... Not to mention a lifetime spent learning the "meaning of philately".
So, I aim to support the growth of your own collection with good offers of stock at good prices, plus a phone line always open to requests for advice and information.
As a dealer, it's fundamental that I work together with clients.
Experience, trust and support are part of our profession.
Stay in touch and enjoy times ahead.
- Published
- 10/12/21 08:39:00 AM